Thursday, July 17, 2008

V.B.S.-Day 4

Another great night at Bible school with big crowds and big smiles!
Tonight Brother Joel talked to us about Jesus and Peter walking
on the water and how we shouldn't take our eyes off of Jesus.
We are looking forward to tomorrow night's graduation service
and cookout. Everyone is invited.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

V.B.S.-Day 3

What a fun night-recreation included water, snacks included pizza,
and crafts included sand art! Let's just say that the three year old
Guppies came in soaking wet, including the teachers. Brother Joel
talked to us tonight about Jonah and how we can't hide from God,
no matter how hard we try.
We also had two birthday girls with us tonight-Mrs. Sherry and
Mrs. Darlene. They both turned 16+ today! Happy birthday
to these two ladies. What a great place to spend your
Can't wait to see what fun is in store for us tomorrow night!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

V.B.S.-Day 2

Another great night at VBS! Our numbers increased tonight-
that is always good. Since our theme is "Sailing With the Savior"
Brother Joel has been talking to us about different boats in the
Bible. Last night we talked about Jesus calling us to be "fishers
of men". Tonight we talked about Noah's boat and how we need
to get on board God's boat. The kids are really listening well and
we are learning some great new songs.
"Spin That Wheel" got interesting tonight when three guys had to
sing us a song only using one word to the tune of "Jingle Bells".
We also had a great challenge with puzzles. It isn't as easy as you
think to put a simple wooden board puzzle together when you are
under pressure.
As always the food was good. There was some great crafts made
tonight. I have two very cool fish tanks hanging on my fridge now!
I think Squirrel tried to eat some of her tank gravel (cereal). I heard
that recreation was very HOT and cold (fire balls and popsicles).
Overall, I think that day 2 was a success!

V.B.S.-Day 1

We had a great first day of VBS. I don't have the official
count with me, but it was over 100. All of the kids had a
great time and learned a lot. Darkness and heat was avoided
when Mr. BJ talked with FRECC employees and they decided
not to fix the damaged power pole until after VBS was over
for the night. Thank Mr. BJ and FRECC for working around us.
It sure would have been difficult to have VBS in the dark and
I don't want to even think about the heat.
I'm looking forward to another great night at VBS. Come sail
with us tonight!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

V.B.S. Final Prep

Thanks to everyone for the help tonight. The church looks great!
We are expecting a big turnout. On the way home from church
we had a call about 8 more kids that want to come to VBS.
Are you excited? I am. See you tomorrow night. Keep on praying.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Opinion

As the creator of this blog I think I am entitled to give my opinion.
So here is my opinion of these two pictures.
I feel that Carmen is contemplating the future.
Since she is a senior she is trying to figure out what
she is going to do with her life. The future is not making her smile very much!!
Caitlyn is trying out for a role in "My Fair Lady".
She is very theatrical. I think she may get the part!
Send me your cute pics and I will give you my take on the picture.

Friday, July 11, 2008


The missing tote of VBS supplies has been found!
I'll never tell where it was. But the notorious palm
trees are still at large. If you see them hanging
around anywhere grab them!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Decorating for V.B.S.

We had a very good work day today. The kids (and their moms)
were very helpful. The basement now looks like you are walking
under the sea. Maegan, Kari, and Megan made the flags and
banners for all the teams. Nanny Sara spent her time chasing
Possum and Squirrel. Austen, Josh, Nicholas, and Will helped
Brother Joel make our backdrop and ship. The picture above
is just a taste of what is to come. This may be the best VBS ever!
The auditorium is definitely going to be the best. I can't wait for next week!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Visiting for V.B.S.

Tonight some of us went out vising for V.B.S. We had a great time
and signed up 15 new kids! Maegan did a great job inviting the kids,
Kari was a good secretary, and Mrs. Marla was an excellent balloon
holder! Possum and Squirrel were a big help by passing out balloons
and candy. If only everyone was as eager to help as they are.
Hopefully we will see more of you out on Saturday morning at 10:00.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Wilds Slide Show

I hope everyone enjoyed the slide show.

Now you can watch it as often as you like

and remember all of the fun times that you had.

In the News

Netta sent a picture of the Patch and Pee Wee
clubs into the city's website.
Check it out at

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Home Again

Everyone made it home safely this evening. The Butler's
had a wonderful time taking our place. Thank you to
Mr. Billy and Mrs. Regina for helping us out. God works
everything out for the best and it was a blessing that the
Butler's were able to be at The Wilds for a couple days.
All of the kids had a great time and everyone will be able
to hear all about it tomorrow night at church. I have already
got the slide show ready. I want it to be a surprise, but after
the service I will post it here so you can look at it whenever
you want. The DVD is also great. I watched it as soon as I got
home. The Junior Boot Camp DVD is messed up, so we can only
watch about 3 minutes of it before it cuts off.

Kids, don't forget what God has done for you this week.
Don't fall back into old habits. Remember your daily God
and I time. Staying in God's Word will help you keep your
commitments to God. If you feel tempted to do wrong, pray
and call me and Brother Joel to talk about things.

There are many things coming up. Vacation Bible School is
in one week. Be praying about how God can use you during
VBS. We will have a couple of outreaches this week-Tuesday
evening and Saturday morning. I'll tell you more in Sunday School.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Wilds-Day 5

Because of the funeral Brother Joel and myself had to come home
early this morning. Mr. Billy and Mrs. Regina came to take our
place and everything is going great. Here are a few more pictures
to get you by until Sunday night's slide show. I have made so many
pictures this year that we should have a great presentation for everyone.
Picture #1- The teens at our Family Renuion on Thursday afternoon
Picture #2- Will and Colton's cabin during God and I time follow-up
Picture #3- Sara before chapel
Picture #4- Mrs. Regina coming down the Superslide
Picture #5- Mr. Bill coming down the Superslide

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Wilds-Day 4

Jesse, Justin, and Josh have been found! They were not avoiding us,
just the camera! But never fear. I made plenty of pictures of them
today. Actually, I made plenty of pictures of everyone today. I have
filled another memory card. The slide show should be very good this year.

We had another wonderful day. Heard alot of good, beneficial stuff
and had alot of fun.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Wilds-Day 3

We have had another exciting LONG day! We finally got Sara
to stand still for a picture today. Actually, her counselor held
her for the picture. There is so much to do here that no one
wants to waste a second. We had many more great services
and classes today. This morning the teens heard another sermon
on Joseph and Potipher's wife. After Brother Joel's sermon Sunday
morning, chapel this morning, and their God and I time devotions
today, I would hope that they get the picture about Joseph resisting temptation.

Today was girl's lake day and the boys hike to the Falls.
We spent the afternoon hanging out with some of the kids.
We watched Colton and Will at the Water Wars. I think
that must be their favorite thing to do. They are always
there when they have free time. Charity, Courtney, and
myself road the land trolley again and Brother Joel joined
us on the Superslide. Me and the girls tried to ride the Giant
Swing, but we had on wet clothes and they wouldn't let us on.
Maybe we'll try that tomorrow.

The evening was spent at services and fun times. The JBC
had the game show "Spin That Wheel" and the teens had
fun time. If you have ever been to The Wilds you know that
Wednesday night fun time is the best. The highlight of the
evening was the pizza party and fireworks show. It was
awesome and very loud as it echoed through the valley of the mountain.

Now it is 11:20 PM and I am officially worn out. I'll go get
a little rest and be ready for another fun day.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Wilds-Day 2

Wow! What a day. We have learned so much about God today
and had so much fun. The weather has been perfect. Actually,
it has been too cool for Sister Melanie! Toxaway Creek was a
bit cold for tubing. And it didn't help that Brother Joel went tubing
with Charity, Courtney, and myself and everyone knows that he
can be a little mischievous. Three girls got a lot wetter than they
had intended! Courtney had more adventure today than she had
intended, but we'll save that story for when we get home. We have
to keep ya'll in suspense over something. The boys had a great time
at the lake today. I think that Nicholas and Austen enjoyed the "Blob"
a whole lot. Colton and Will got to hike to the 1st Falls today and
Sara enjoyed games with her team.
The pictures above are of the morning chapel service at
Junior Boot Camp. The kids learned about running the Christian
race. Will was anticipating going to the lake next and had his
beach towel around his shoulders. Will, Colton, and Brother Joel
had a great time at "The Wilds Water Wars" this afternoon.
The teens are learning about Joseph in their morning chapels.
This goes great with the sermons Brother Joel has been preaching
lately. Tonight we heard a tremendous message by Brother Ferrell
on the life of Samson. I may have to get a copy of this sermon to
bring home and pass around. It was great.
Brother Joel and myself went to seminars this morning by the
camp director and his wife. It was a great to get to sit and listen
to Mrs. Collier. Brother Joel bought me the book she has written
last summer when I didn't get to come to camp. The book was
excellent and is still helping me and I'm thankful I got to listen
to author speak on the subject.
I need to go to bed now. It's late and we get up early and go hard all day. Keep praying!