Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Night Fun

Although there were only a few of us tonight we still had a great time. Brother Joel taught us how to play dominoes and we watched Josh eat TONS of chocolate chip cookies. We missed those who weren't here and we pray that those with the flu are feeling better!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Friday Night Activity

Tomorrow night you can come hang out at our house. We will begin at 6PM and have snacks and play games. If you have any questions you can call or email me. Come and bring a friend.


Just wanted to update everyone on the fundraising efforts. We are doing great! There are less than 10 boxes of candy left to be turned in. If you have the remaining boxes please sell these quickly and get the money to me. From my calculations (is that scary?!?) I see that we are a little over half way there. That is wonderful since it is just the end of February. Besides our Wednesday night meals, I have a few more fundraisers that I'm working on. If you have any good suggestions please let me know. Remember, the more we work the more money I can give you for your spending money at camp. I would love to be able to pay for everyone's camp fee plus give each camper a little extra cash for the week! Be putting a dollar or two in your piggy bank each week and then when it is camp time you will have all the spending money you need!

We will have another meal this coming Wednesday, March 4 even though we just had one this week. Since we are going to be in revival with Brotherhood we thought some of their people might want to eat with us as well. This could possibly be a big help to our fund! The menu will be spaghetti, salad, bread, and hot fudge cake. If you could make a plain chocolate cake for that night please let me know. This is a great help to me so I won't have to bake that many cakes!! If you have any further questions please contact me. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Your homework for this week is in two parts.

1. What is your opinion of the serpent mentioned in Genesis 3?

2. Go to and read this article. What did you learn about the serpent from this article?

Remember to email your homework to me for a bonus treat!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Movie Night

Remember that this Saturday we will be showing "Fireproof" as a fundraiser. The movie will start at 6:00pm. Some of you will be watching the children in the basement of the fellowship hall and some of you will be serving the refreshments. This should be a great night for the adults and you can make it a fun night for the kids!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Candy Sale

I received a good report tonight on the candy sale. Thank you to all who participated in this event. Besides the candy that each individual has at home, all of the candy is sold! Our goal is to have all candy money turned in by the end of February. This gives you about 2 more weeks to sell. Please be selling what candy you have at home and get the money turned in to me as soon as possible. Good job guys! You have worked hard.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lesson Follow-Up

Here is a link that corresponds with our Sunday School lesson last week over Adam and Eve. Check it out-
Of course it is from the Answers in Genesis website! It is a short article so happy reading!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Candy Sale

Remember we are selling candy at Wal-Mart this weekend. Friday night we will begin at 5PM. Saturday you have signed up for shifts. If you haven't signed up yet or you have forgotten your time please email me. I am out of town helping as my Mom recovers and I'm not sure when I'll be back. If I am not back before this weekend you will still be selling candy! I will have someone else to take care of everything. If you can work longer than the shift you signed up for it would help tremendously. If you have any questions please email me.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Homework for 2-15

Your homework is in two parts-

1. How old do you think Adam and Eve were when God created them? Example- Do you think he created them as teenagers, middle age..... How did you come up with your answer?

2. Read this article- and see what the author says about the age of Adam and Eve.

Remember if you email me your homework it is good for an extra special treat!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Great Night

We had a very successful night with our meal. There was a great turnout and we made a great profit. Thanks to everyone who worked tonight. We almost had a 100% participation (only missing one person due to work).

Keep selling your candy you have at home. Don't let it sit around. We need the money!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Need a Reminder?

If you are cold and tired of fundraisers already and need a reminder as to why we are doing this visit this link All of our work in not in vain. In approximately 5 months we will be having a blast at The Wilds! Keep up the hard work!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Candy Sale on 2/13-14

This is the schedule for candy selling on Saturday, February 14. I don't have everyone signed up and will edit this list as the others sign up. Remember, on Friday, February 13 I need every at Wal-Mart. I will be there by 5:00pm.

8-10 Adults: Jeny, Joann, Angela
Kids: Emma Rae, Jacob, Hannah

10-12 Adults: Regina, Billy, Andy, BJ
Kids: Courtney, Maegan, Nick, Austen, Josh, Sara

12-2 Adults: Connie, Cindy
Kids: Justin, Nick, Will, Colton

2-4 Adults: Crystal
Kids: Jamie, Jesse

If you haven't signed up please let me know when you can work. Thanks!

Wednesday Night Meals

Here is the rotation schedule for our Wednesday night meals.
This is for the parents. Kids you are helping every meal!!!
Gotta earn your way!

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Homework 2-1-09

Your homework is in 2 parts-

-What do you think about the Garden of Eden? Could you still visit there today? Do we know its location? Tell me about it.

-Visit Read this article and then tell me about the Garden of Eden.

Remember to email me your homework for extra credit!